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Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the iconic image of Nelson Mandela.(No. 1 has been done for you):-

  Nelson Mandela played a prominent role on the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenges ranging from political repression to AIDS. He formally left public life in June 2004 before his 86th birthday. But he remained one of the world's most revered public figures, combining celebrity sparkle, with an unwavering message of freedom, respect and human rights.

The years Mandela spent behind bars made him the world's most celebrated political prisoner and a leader of mythic stature for millions of black South Africans and other oppressed people far beyond his country's borders. Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Rivonia Trial, his statement from the dock was his political testimony.

"During my lifetime I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities," he told the court. Friends adored Mandela. And people lauded his humanity, kindness and dignity.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago


After help, we can use object + infinitive (with or without to).

Can you help me (to) find my ring? (NOT Can you help me finding my ring?)
Thank you so much for helping us (to) repair the car.
Our main task is to help the company (to) become profitable.

Help can also be followed directly by an infinitive without an object.

Would you like to help pack?

If you say that you cannot/can’t help doing something (especially in British English), you mean that you can’t stop yourself, even if you don’t want to do it.

She’s a selfish woman, but somehow you can’t help liking her.
Excuse me – I couldn’t help overhearing what you said.
Sorry I broke the cup – I couldn’t help it.

Can’t help can be followed by but + infinitive (without to), with the same meaning as can’t help verb + ing. This is common in American English.

I can’t help but wonder what I should do next.


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it is one of the great speeches all over the world. his bold speech helped us to get freedom. so beyond all, it is very important in our national and international life.

1 year ago