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The Clauses

All Question - (102)

Noun clause
Adjective clause
Noun phrase
None of them
Adverb clause
Adjective clause
Noun clause
Noun phrase
Verb clause
He explained that he was delayed by bad weather
he is my uncle who works in Australia
if you are happy, you can eat a banana
when I was five I went to a primary school
a noun clause
an adjective clause
ad adverb clause
none of these
an adverb clause of manner
an adjective clause
a noun clasue
ad adverb clause of time
Hard and fast
At sixes and sevens
A student is
an adjective clause
a noun clause
an adverbial clause
a coordinate clause
noun clause
an adjective clause
an adverb clause
noun phrase
adverbial phrase
adverbial clause
noun clause
adjective clause
a noun clause
an adjective clause
an adverbial clause
adjective clause
principal clause
adverbial clasuse
noun clause
who help themselves
who helps themselves
who helps himself
who help own Selves
that I gave up smoking
that I give up smoking
that I will give up smoking
that smoking is given up
since our last meeting
since I had met you last
since I had met you
sine I have met you