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Waiting is very annoying, exhausting, and time -consuming. Waitin to buy books at the college store is an example of a very long and tiresome task. I need to buy books, and so does everyone else. This causes the lines to be very long. Most of the time I find myself leaning against the wall daydreaming. Sometimes I even leave this and hope to come back when the store isn't extremely busy. But that never works because everyone sh=else seems to get the same idea. So I finally realize that I just have to wait. Another experience is waiting for a ride home from school or work. My ride always seems to be the last car to pull up in the parking lot. When I am for a ride, I wonder what it would be like to win a car or if would ever make it home. Waiting in line at a  fast -food restaurant is also annoying because, if it is fast ' I shouldn't have to wait. ut in But in reality it is never fast, I spend a good deal of my time to buy a burger or a chicken fry. By the time I am handed over the food, I feel hunger, or sometimes I find my appetite totally gone. Anyway, I shouldn't complain, because waiting just seems to be a part of life, so I might as well accept it. 

Which of the following adjectives is not used to describe the main idea in the paragraph ?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

The Adjective

Adjective: যে শব্দ Noun বা Pronoun-এর দোষ, গুণ, অবস্থা, সংখ্যা, পরিমাণ ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করে তাকে Adjective বলে ।

Adjective-এর প্রকারভেদ

1. Adjective of Quality : এই প্রকার adjective কোনো noun বা pronoun-এর দোষ, গুণ, অবস্থান প্রকাশ করে । যেমন- good, beautiful, strong, weak, ugly, bad ইত্যাদি ।

2.Adjective of Quantity : এই প্রকারের adjective কোনো কিছুর পরিমাপ নির্দেশ করে। যেমন— much, little, whole, some enough, sufficient, all ইত্যাদি। " 

3.Numeral Adjective:  এ adjective noun বা pronoun এর সংখ্যা নির্দেশ করে।যেমন- one, two, four, second, third, single, double 

Numeral Adjective তিন প্রকার :

i. Cardinal Numeral Adjective: One, two, three, four.

ii. Ordinal Numeral Adjective: First, second, third.

iii. Multiplicative Numeral Adjective: Single, double, triple, fourfold, fivefold.

4. Indefinite Numeral Adjective: All, some, many, enough, several, few adjective যখন noun-এর নির্দিষ্ট কোনো সংখ্যা প্রকাশ করে না তখন তাদেরকে Indefinite Numeral Adjective বলে।

For example: He is a man of few words.

5.Pronominal Adjective: Pronoun যখন Noun এর পূর্বে বসে Adjective এর কাজ করে তাহলে সে Pronoun কে Pronominal Adjective বলে।
যেমন: This is his pen.

Pronominal Adjective এর প্রকারভেদ:  : 

(i)Demonstrative Adjective: Demonstrative Adjective বস্তুকে বিশেষভাবে নির্দেশ করে। যেমন— this, that, these, those, such ইত্যাদি।
She was one of those people who are forever worried about money.

(ii)Distributive Adjective: Distributive pronoun adjective তাদেরকে distributive adjective বলে। যেমন— each, every, either, neither ইত্যাদি। Every man is potential. 

6.Interrogative Adjective: Interrogative pronoun গুলো যখন Adjective রুপে কাজ করে তখন তাকে interrogative adjective বলে। যেমন— What, which, whose ইত্যাদি।
I play violin which musical instrument do you play?

7.Possessive Adjective: Possessive pronoun যখন noun এর পূর্বে বসে adjective-এর কাজ করে তখন তাকে possessive adjective বলে। যেমন— his, my, our, their, its, one's.
One should keep one's  promises.

8.Relative Adjective: Relative pronoun  যখন noun এর পূর্বে বসে  adjective- করে তাহলে তাকে relative adjective বলে। যেমন— Whose, which, what ইত্যাদি ।
Salma could not tell whose books were left on the table.

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