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স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের কারা তত্ত্বাবধায়ক পরীক্ষার তারিখ: ২৬. ০৮. ২০০৫ (সাথী) || 2005

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Napoleon died at St. Helena
Take care of your health
If we started now we would be in time
The child is alive
to become visible
to walk into the stage
to moves to wards the land
to return to one's normal state
imaginative description
a kind o metal work
process of complete change into something different
It is time to shut the up shop
It is time to shop the shut up
It is the shop time to shut up
It is time to shut up the shop
To his eternal disgrace, the betrayed his country
He must work very hard and make up for the lost time
He confessed that he was guilty
We must eat,or we cannot live
ড. মুহম্মদ কুদরত-ই-খুদা
ড. আবদুল্লাহ আল মুতী শরফুদ্দিন
ড. ইন্নাস আলী
ড. মোহাম্মদ সিদ্দিকুল্লাহ