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Sonali, Janata, Agrani & Rupali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer Recruitment 14.03.2008 ||

সাধারণ জ্ঞান

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সাধারণ জ্ঞান

'Food' and 'body'
'Vitamin' and 'Weak'
'Water' and 'River'
'Energy' and 'Body'
None of these
India & Australia
Pakistan & Australia
Sri Lanka & Australia
Bangladesh & Australia
None of them
Bangladesh-India-Myanmar-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation
Bangladesh-India-Malaysia-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation
Bay of Bengal Initiatives on Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
Bangladesh-India-Maldives-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation
None of these
South Asian Form for Technical Assistance
South Asian Free Trade Arrangement
South Asian Free Trade Area
South Asian Forum for Trading Arrangement
None of these
Develop Annual Employment
Department of Agricultural Extension
Department of Agriculture and Engineering
Development of Agricultural Extersion
None of these