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Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the sail  provide chemical elements essential for Plant Nutrition, Natural substances such as animal droppings and straw haves been used as fertilizers for thousand of years, and lime has red used since the Romans introduced it during the , It was not until the 19th century, in tact, the chemical fertilizers become popular. Today both Natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety of forms. complete fertilizer is usually marked With a formula consisting of three numbers, such as  Which is designate the percentage content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated. Synthetic fertilizers are in either solid or liquid form. Solids. in the shape of chemical granules are popular because they are easy to ore and apply. Recently, liquids have shown an increase in popularity, accounting for about 20 percent of the “nitrogen fertilizer used throughout the world. Formerly, powders were also used, but these were found to be less convenient ft either solids or liquids. Appropriate uses of fertilizer ray no harmful effects on the soil, the crop, or the consumer. However, excessive uses of fertilizer not only damage crop but also the animals or humans.

The underlined word “these” refers to-

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

After help, we can use object + infinitive (with or without to).

Can you help me (to) find my ring? (NOT Can you help me finding my ring?)
Thank you so much for helping us (to) repair the car.
Our main task is to help the company (to) become profitable.

Help can also be followed directly by an infinitive without an object.

Would you like to help pack?

If you say that you cannot/can’t help doing something (especially in British English), you mean that you can’t stop yourself, even if you don’t want to do it.

She’s a selfish woman, but somehow you can’t help liking her.
Excuse me – I couldn’t help overhearing what you said.
Sorry I broke the cup – I couldn’t help it.

Can’t help can be followed by but + infinitive (without to), with the same meaning as can’t help verb + ing. This is common in American English.

I can’t help but wonder what I should do next.


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