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When it comes to dealing with violence against vulnerable groups in society, such as children, legislation is one important tool that must be enacted to deter people from resorting to violence. In Bangladesh, there are laws providing protection for children, especially girls, but these laws have often proved to be ineffective either because of an absence of stricter clauses or lack of proper implementation. These have resulted in a surge in violence in recent times. Rape, gang -rape, torture, deaths and child marriage are only a few examples of violence -related cases. Formulating appropriate mechanism for the implementation of the children Act 2013 has become an urgent need to improve the legal protection of children. We must all be sensitized to the rights of children and must unite to create an environment of zero tolerance towards violence of any sorts- sexual, physical or psychological against children through the implementation of the Act.

The most appropriate title for the passage would be :

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago

After help, we can use object + infinitive (with or without to).

Can you help me (to) find my ring? (NOT Can you help me finding my ring?)
Thank you so much for helping us (to) repair the car.
Our main task is to help the company (to) become profitable.

Help can also be followed directly by an infinitive without an object.

Would you like to help pack?

If you say that you cannot/can’t help doing something (especially in British English), you mean that you can’t stop yourself, even if you don’t want to do it.

She’s a selfish woman, but somehow you can’t help liking her.
Excuse me – I couldn’t help overhearing what you said.
Sorry I broke the cup – I couldn’t help it.

Can’t help can be followed by but + infinitive (without to), with the same meaning as can’t help verb + ing. This is common in American English.

I can’t help but wonder what I should do next.


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