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A ইউনিট (Group-2) মানবিক ২০২১-২০২২ || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2021

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ভিক্ষালব্ধ ধন
আনন্দের ভোগ
চিত্রময়ী বর্ণনার বানী
বর্ণময় চিত্রকর্ম
প্রে + ম
প্রিয় + ম
প্রিয় + ইমন
প্রেম + অ + ব
অনুচর দ্বিরুক্তি
সমার্থক দ্বিরুক্তি
বিপরীতার্থক দ্বিরুক্তি

Leadership should be among those who have no axe to grind. People should have leaders with straigthforwardness, clear conception, felling for the poor and above all, with patriotism and statesmanlike for sight, It is essential that the decision taken by the leaders must be for the interest of the majority of people. They must understand the political, economic and social conditions of the country and should never hesitate to take any stem action against any wrong, come what may. they should see that unpatriotic and snti-social elements do not get the upper hand. It is by the integrity that the leaders of a country shall be judged from time to time, not by their speeches only.  

to have no personal reasons
to have personal reasons
vested interests
Qualities of Leadership
Types of Government
Test of Leadership
alleviate poverty
rule the country strictly
promote equilable development
stand against unpatroitic and anti-social activities
a big hairy animal
to carry an offspring in the womb
to tolerate
a drink
He was laughed to all his friends
He is laughed at by all his friends
He had been laughed at by all his friends
He was laughed at by all his friends
The father forbade his sons to quarrel
The father forbade his sons not to quarrel
The father requested his sons not to quarrel
The father told his sons not to quarrel