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A ইউনিট (Group-1) মানবিক ২০২১-২০২২ || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2021

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তার বাহিরে যাবার সময় হয়েছে
সে স্কুলে যাবে
তার বিবাহ হয় নাই
তাহারা রওনা হলো

What are the difficulties in learning a second language? Clearly one of the main difficulties is that usually the learner does not live in an environment where the second language may be used in special language classes of even as a medium of instruction in school, but generally only a small proportion of ‘interference’ between the learner's mother tongue and the second language. Interference is perhaps most noticeable in pronunciation, but it also affects the learner's understanding of grammar and ability to write well in the second language. Learning another language, therefore, is clearly not easy. It requires interest, persistence, and the determination to correct mistakes. 

in a faraway
in an enabiling environment
in a favourable environment
in an unfavourable environment
learners do not often get proper environment
it is difficult to overcome the mother langrage interference
lernernrs often lack the required qualities
all the above
Second Language
Second Language Acquistion
Language Learner's Difficulties
Mother Tongue Interference
Who has been done the work?
By whom has the work been done?
By whom has been done the work?
Whom has the work by done?
He said if i like music
He asked me do I like music
He asked to me if I like music
He asked me if I liked music
The mane has come to me by laugh
The mane came to me by laugh
The mane came to me laughing
The mane came to me in a laughing way