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D ইউনিট || যশোর বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

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He was done many unnecessary things by me.
Many unnecessary things done for me by him.
I was done many unnecessary things by him.
Many unnecessary things were done for me by him.
I heard her to sing a song.
She was heard sing a song by me.
I heard her sing a song.
I was heard her to sing a song.
In spite of his being rich, he is honest.
Despite of his being rich, he is honest.
In spite of his being honest, he is rich.
He is rich but he is honest
If may heart overflows with grief, I will stand before you?
I stand before you with a heart which is overflowing with grief.
Since my heart overflows with grief, I stand before you.
Though I stand before you, my heart is overflowing with grief.
Misinterpretation of religions fosters extremism
Religious misinterpretation leads towards extremists.
The extremism are encouraged by religious misinterpretation
Religious interpretation leads towards extremism.
He said that he had seen her two days before
He said that he had seen her the day before yesterday.
He said that he saw her two days before.
He said to me that I had seen her the previous day.
Alfred Tennyson
Robert Frost
D H Lawrence
W B Yeasts
She needs stay longer yesterday.
She need to stay longer yesterday.
She needed stay longer yesterday.
She need stay longer yesterday.
As you work, as you succeed.
Your work is reflected in your result.
As you sow, so you reap.
As you reap, so you sow.
one who studies aeronautics
one who studies astrology
one who travels by automobile
one who travels in a spacecraft.
to work hard
to provide salety
to destroy at the beginning
to start a new.
Do you know where is the restaurant?
Are you agree to me?
The color of his eyes is dark
A boat with here people are missing
She was as impressive as I expected.
She was more impressive than I expected.
She was not as impressive as I expected.
She was impressive as I expected.
In spite of his being rich, he is honest.
Despite of his being rich, he is honest.
In spite of his being honest, he is rich.
He is rich but he is honest