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B ইউনিট || খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2013

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Doesn't he used to help the poor?
Didn't use to help the poor?
Didn't he use to help the poor?
None of these
Almost all other public universities have a good academic environment as khulna University has.
Some public universities have better academic environment than Khulna University has.
Very few public universities have as good-academic environment as Khulna University has.
The academic environment of Khulna University is one of the best among all public university .
Besides making apromise, he kept it.
Besides a promise, he keep it.
Besides making a promise, he keeps it
Besides made a promise, he keep it
If you do not obey me, you will be punished.
Obey me or you will not be punished .
Obey me or you will be punished.
Obey me and you will be punished I know the time of hi arrival
I know when he will come.
I knew the time of his arrival.
WHen he will come is known.
He will come and I know it.
Natural disaster
Rapid industrialization
Decrease rainfall
The Holcocene
The industrial revolution
1500 years ago
The Northern Hemisphere
be warmer
Would be same as now
Would be colder than itis now
None of these
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hasan Ruhani
Mohammed Mursi
Hasan Aboutorabi
Eugene F. Farma
Lars peter Hansen
Robert J. shiller
All of them jointly
Central Bank of USA
Ministry of Finance of UK
Central Bank of UK
Ministry of Finance of USA
Internet Public ofering
Investor Public Offering
Initial private offering
Initial Public Offering