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A ইউনিট || খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

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Let the jatka never be caught
Let not the jatka ever be caught
Never the jatka be caught by you
The jatka is caught by you
First Work
Last work
Middle work
One time work
Ruhi is the cleverest girl in KU
Ruhi is a clever girl in KU
Ruhi is a more clever girl in KU
Ruhi was the cleverest girl is KU
The decision was hang over
The decision was hung over
The decision was hang down
The decision was hanged down
Hunger is the best sauce
Tiger can eat paddy when it is hungry
A hungary tiger eats paddy
Hungry is the best food.
আগুন ছাড়া ধোয়া হয় না
বিনা স্বার্থে কিছুই হয় না।
সব গুজবেই ভিত্তি আছে।
গুজবই রহস্য সৃষ্টি করে ।
told to her professor
said her professor
told her professor
is telling her professor