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খ ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017


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were not begin treated
were not treating
have not being treated
was not being treated
hingrily, friendly
hungrily, in a friendly
hungry, friendly
hungry, in a friendly menner
How was Gora written?
Who wrote Gora?
When was Gora written?
None of the above
a herbivore
a carnivore
a vegetarian
I am surprised by his action
I am surprised by his act
I was surprised by his action
Tanvir completed the game brillianty
Tanvir complete the game brillianty
Tanvir has completing the game brillianty
Tanvir had complete the game brillianty
Rampal power plant will use coal in produce electricity
Rampal power plant will use coal to produce electricity
Rampal power plant will use coal to producing electricity
Rampal power plant will use coal for produce electricity

 The assault on the purity of the environment is the price that i pay for many of the benefits of modern technology. For tit advantage of automotive transportation we pay a price in smoginduced diseases; for the powerful effects of new insecticides, pay a price in dwindling wild life and disturbances in the relation of living things and their surroundings; for nuclear power, we risk the biological hazards of radiation. By increasing agricultural production with fertilizers, we worsen water pollution. The benefits of technology can, in fact, lead to long-term harmful effects on life and living things.

increased the number of wild animals
caused imbalance in the relationship between living bein€s and their environment
eliminated diseases by killing mosquitoes and flies
Caused nuclear hazards Insecticides
is an unmixed blessing
has caused serious hazards to life
.has produced powerful chemicals
has benefited haghly developed