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D ইউনিট : 2010-2011 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2010

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is not always the easiest way to connect people from distant offices .
causes people to be unproductive when it is used incorrectly.
is effective for certain kinds of messages but only managed wisely
has charged considerably since it first began a decade ago.
Appropriate use of E-Mail .
EA-Mail : The Ideal Form of communication .
E-Mail's popularity .
why phone calls are Better Tha E-Mali.
Work hard and you will succeed
Work hard to success
Work hard for success
Work hard for the success
waistband for a tuxedo
whirling current
highest point
peak valley
Anee wanted to know if she should do the shopping
Anee asked if she had to do the shopping .
Anee wanted to know if she must have done the shopping .
Anee wanted to know if she must have done the shopping
Very much indulgence has spoiled the boy
Too many indulgence has got the boy down .
Too much care has downed the boy .
Too much indulgence has spoiled the boy.
The woman did not know her husband is not at home.
the woman did not know that her husband is not at home.
The woman did not know that her husband was not at home.
the woman did not knew that her husband was not in home.
He together with his friends has come yet.
He together with his friends have already come.
He together with his friends have not come yet.
He together with his friends has already come.
Either she or her sisters is responsible .
Neither she nor her sisters is responsible.
Neither she nor her sisters are responsible.
Either she nor her sisters are responsible.