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ক ইউনিট (2008-2009) || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2008

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A successful text is the one where the reader is taken along by the flow of the writing, doesn't get lost or confused, and comes away with the feeling that the ideas it contains could not have been expressed in any other way. So it is important to make a plan in which ideas are developed logically and necessary information is introduced at exactly the right point, Where it is necessary to use ideas of information that have not been referred to for some time. the reader needs a gentle reminder of what it is necessary to use ideas of information that have not been referred to for some time. the reader needs a gentle reminder of what these are. If the flow of ideas needs a gentle reminder of what these are. If the flow of ideas needs to take a sudden new turn, this may need preparation or explanation. It every point, the reader's needs, expectations, and possible difficulties must be considered. The introduction is often the most difficult section to write. That first sentence can often prove exasperatingly elusive. Novelists sometimes agonize for weeks over the first sentence of a new novel it sets the tone of what is to come and fixes the reader's expectations.     

An essay on texts
A satisfactory pattern
A beautiful text
force of writing
A satisfactory pattern
A beautiful text
soft aside
quiet clue
subtle hint
poke gently
irritably difficult to detect
exhaustively selective
tiresomely difficult search
What has you in store ?
What have you in store ?
what did you in store?
What do you in store ?
When do the guests arrives?
When did the guests arrived?
When are the guests arrived?
When are the guests arriving ?
November came, with raging south -west wind
November had come raging along with south , and west wind
November came alongside south -west wind, raging
November had come , raging, with wind south -west
I need some books and should not go to the library
I need some books and should go to the library
I do need books and should do the library
I need books and need library
John has a brother and sister
John has brother and sister
John has brother and a sister
John has a brother and a sister