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Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written: 

(a) He said to him, "Look, my friend! Keep the money and remove your distress." 

(b) So, he could not devote himself to his work. 

(c) This thought kept him awake and his sleep fled away at night. 

(d) Now, a new thinking took hold of the farmer. 

(e) He dug a hole in his hut and kept them there.

(f) A rich man went to a farmer with fifty thousands taka in a bag. 

(g) He always thought that his money could be stolen any time. 

(h) He gradually, realized that he had money but no peace of mind.

Created: 3 months ago | Updated: 3 months ago

Ans type: 01 = f+a+e+d+g+b+c+h

Ans type:  02 = f+a+e+d+g+c+b+h 

Ans type: 01 =

A rich man went to a farmer with fifty thousands taka in a bag.

He said to him, "Look, my friend! Keep the money and remove your distress."

He dug a hole in his hut and kept them there.

Now, a new thinking took hold of the farmer.

He always thought that his money could be stolen any time.

This thought kept him awake and his sleep fled away at night. 

So, he could not devote himself to his work.

He gradually, realized that he had money but no peace of mind.


3 months ago

English for Toady

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