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Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written:

(a) The king followed the advice of the physician and became slim and fully cured. 

(b) He advised the king to move a heavy club into the air till he got tired. 

(c) He did not under go physical labour. 

(d) The doctor was very wise. 

(e) He became bulky and could not move or do anything. 

(f) Once there was a king who was very idle. 

(g) He did not prescribe any medicine. 

(h) He called in a doctor.

Created: 3 months ago | Updated: 3 months ago


(f) Once there was a king who was very idle. 

(c) He did not under go physical labour.

(e) He became bulky and could not move or do anything.

(h) He called in a doctor.

(d) The doctor was very wise.

(g) He did not prescribe any medicine.

(b) He advised the king to move a heavy club into the air till he got tired.

(a) The king followed the advice of the physician and became slim and fully cured.

3 months ago

English for Toady

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