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Completing sentence

All Question - (771)

Read the following passage and answer the questions

'Bacteria' is the common name of a very large group of one-celled microscopic organism that, we believe, may be the smallest, simplest, and perhaps even the very first form of cellular life that evolved on earth. That is why they are observable only under a microscope. There are three main types of bacteria, which are classified according to their shape.

The bacilli are a group of bacteria that occur in the soil and air. They are shaped like rods. If we look at them under a microscope, we find them in motion, they always seem to be rolling or tumbling under the microscope. These bacilli are largely responsible for food spoilage. There is another group of bacteria who tend to grow in chains. They are referred to as the cocci group. A common example of this type is streptococci that causes strep throat. Finally, there is the spiral shaped bacteria called spirilla. They look a little like corkscrews, and they are responsible for a number of diseases in humans. Some species of bacteria cause diseases, but mostly bacteria live harmlessly on the skin, in the mouth, and the intestines. In fact, bacteria are very helpful to researchers. Bacterial cells resemble the cells of other life forms in many ways, and may be studied to give us insights.

polluting air
causing throat diseases
spoiling food
spoiling soil
listening music
hearing music
listen to music
listening to music
he got himself admitted into his desired university
did he get himself admitted into his desired university
he has got himself admitted into his desired university
did he got himself admitted into his desired university
he was admitted to his desired university
twice as much as I
twice as many as I
twice as long as I
twice more then me
twice than I
keep pace at other bright students
keep pace for bright students
keep pace with weak students
keep pace in mediocre students
keep pace with other bright students
what is window shopping
what is window shop
what window shopping is
what window shoppers is
what do window shopping refers to
nor does he cheat people
he doesn't cheat people
nor he cheats people
neither he cheats people
figuring out their income tax return
to figure out their income tax return
figure out their income tax return
to have figured out their income tax
needn't have cooked
wouldn't cook
didn't have to cook
may not have cooked
as much as I
as soon as I
as much as me
as many as I
whale is only the
only the whale is
is the whale only
only whale is the

Read the following passage and answer questions

An alloy is a substance that is formed by combining a metal with other metals, or nonmetals. For example, brass is an alloy of the metals copper and zinc, and steel is alloy of the metal iron with the nonmetal carbon. The special characteristics of metals, such as hardness, strength, flexibility, and weight are called its properties. By the process of alloying it is possible to create materials with the exact combinations of properties for particular use.

In the aircraft industry, there is a need for metals that are both strong and light. Steel is strong but too heavy, whereas aluminum is light but not strong. By mixing aluminum with copper and other metals, an alloy is created that is strong to withstand the stresses of flight, but light enough to reduce the cost of fuel to lift the aircraft.

There is an important difference between the alloys created by us and the combination of metals that occur accidentally as impure metals.. Both are mixtures, but alloys are mixtures that have been deliberately combined in specific proportions for definite purpose.

industrial byproducts
industrially unimportant
made by us
only used in aircraft industry

Read the following passage and answer the Increasing every year questions

Forests are an important part of civilization. They not only form a considerable portion of the national wealth of a country, but also play an important role in maintaining the environmental balance. Indiscriminate felling of trees to enhance city areas is a threat to our civilization. We often forget that a peaceful and well-balanced co- existence of man-made civilization and nature is absolutely important for human existence on the earth. Indiscriminate felling of trees makes our planet less green and threatens the wildlife. Forests and trees have an enormous impact on the climate as they are instrumental in drawing rain to the earth. Deforestation has resulted in radical changes in our climate. The overall temperature of the planet is increasing at an alarming rate. The duration of seasons is fluctuating all over the world. The rate of rainfall is becoming erratic. The future of this planet is in trouble unless immediate attention is paid to this danger.

Urbanization is likely to stop
Deforestation will bring disasters everywhere
Cities will be flooded as a result of the melting of ice-caps.
The duration of seasons is becoming longer

Influenza, or flu, is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The flu virus is highly contagious: when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, and can then be inhaled by anyone nearby. Additionally, a person who touches something with the virus on it and then touches his or her mouth, eyes or nose can become infected. Before COVID-19, the most severe pandemic in recent history was the 1918 influenza virus, often called "the Spanish Flu". The virus infected roughly 500 million people - one-third of the world's population - and caused SO million deaths worldwide (double the number of deaths in World War I). In the United States, a quarter of the population caught the virus, 675,000 died, and life expectancy dropped by 12 years. With no vaccine to protect against the virus, people were urged to isolate, quarantine, practice good personal hygiene, and limit social interaction. The first observations of illness and mortality were documented in the United States (in Kansas) in March 1918 and then in April in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. To maintain morale, World War I censor minimized these early reports. Newspapers were free to report the epidemic'seffects in neutral Spain, such as the grave illness of King Alfonso XIII, and these stories created a false impression of Spain as especially hard hit. This gave rise to the name "Spanish Flu". Until February 2020, the 1918 epidemic was largely overlooked in the teaching of American history, despite the ample documentation at the National Archives and elsewhere of the disease and its devastation. The 100-year-old pictures from 1918 that just months ago seemed quaint and dated now seem oddly prescient.

it originated in Spain
Spain was a neutral country in World War I
King Alfonso XIII of Spain was ill
of the false impression of Spain as hard hit

Read the passage below and then choose the alternative A, B, C or D to answer the question:

The Man Booker Prize of Fiction is awarded every year for a novel written in the English language and published in the common wealth countries and Ireland and it aims to represent the very pest in contemporary fiction. The Prize was orginally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, which was the name of the company that sponsored it, though it was better-known as simply the 'Booker Prizw'. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping 'Booker'.      Line 5
    Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted they think should be included. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize and selects the people who will hudge the books. The judging panel changes every year and usually a person can be a judge once only.    10
    Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender and professions within the industry, so that a writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of judges had been finalized, they are left to make their own decisions without any further involvement or interference from the prize spomsor.    15
    The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academic to maintain the consistent quality of the prize and its influence is such that the winner will almost certainly see the sales increase considerably, in addition to the $50.000 that comes with the prize.    20

was forced to keep the name 'Booker'
decided to include the name 'Booker'.
decided to keep the name 'Booker-McConnell'.
decided to use only the name 'Booker'.