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All Question - (3108)

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

The Earth's climate changes. It is vastly different now from what it was 100 million years ago when dinosaurs dominated the planet and tropical plants thrived in high latitudes. It is different from what it was even 18,000 years ago, when ice-sheets covered much more of the northern hemisphere. In the future it will surely continue to evolve. In part the evolution will be driven by natural causes, such as slow changes in the Earth's orbit over many thousands of years. But further climatic change, unlike that of the past, will probably have another important source as well: human activities.

The Earth will continue to change
The Earth changed more in the past than it will in future
The Earth will change less in the future than it did in the past
The Earth will change less in the future than it did in the past
The changes in the past were caused by natural causes as well as human activity.
The changes in the future will be caused as much by human activity as natural causes.
The changes in the past were caused as much by human activity as by natural causes.
The changes in the future will be caused less by human activity than by natural causes.
He is used to work hard
He is used to working hard
He used to working hard
He has used to working hard
Open at page 46
Open of page 46
Open with page 46
Open page 46
Your conducts admits of no excuse
Your conduct admits of no excuse
Your conduct admit of no excuse
Your conducts admits of no excuse.
I prefer death from dishonour
I prefer death to dishonor
I prefer death of dishonour
I prefer death because of dishoner
He wears glasses
He wears a glass
He wears glass
He wears a glasses
The poor is born to suffer.
The poor are born to suffer.
Poor is born to suffer.
Poor are born to suffer.
Where are your luggages?
Can you give me an advice?
What beautiful sceneries?
What an awful weather?
A big number of money?
I met two women here.
Put your sign here.
I have paid my schooling fees.
He asked me it I know him
He said do I know him
He asked me if I knew him
He asked if I did know him

Read the passage carefully and answer Questions

Since the invention of computers or machines, their capability to perform various takes went on going exponentially. Humans have developed the power of computer systems in terms of their diverse working domain, the increasing speed and reducing size with respect to time. 

A branch of computer science named Artificial Intelligence pursues creating the computers or machines as intelligent as human beings. According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John Mc Carthy, it is "The science and engineering of making intelligence machines, especially intelligent computer programs". Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent human think. Al is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks and how human learn, decide and work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of developing intelligent software and systems.

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions:

According to a Global Innovation Index report published in July 2018, Bangladesh is ranked 116th out of 126 nations, the lowest score in Asia ..... below India ranked 57th and Pakistan ranked 109th. The ranking measures key factors such as the political, regulatory and business environments, research and development, infrastructure, investment and credit, knowledge creation and diffusion .... with a scope of determining how well each country is tackling the issues of energy, education, and quality of life.

With such a low rank.... 17th in Asia (which also houses the fifth highest ranked innovative country in the world, Singapore) ..... Bangladesh has been levelled a nation where innovation rarely takes precedence over conservative thinking and traditional values that make people resistant to change or unable to induce it.

The government of Bangladesh has initiated several projects since the ruling Awami League party came to power in 2009. Mostly floated under the banner and vision of a "Digital Bangladesh", the projects have since sought to create a policy framework where individuals and organizations can come forward with innovative ideas and receive funding, infrastructure, and knowledge support. Along with a significant push from the private sector in the form of "accelerators", the past decade has seen a steady stream of startups that tried to address the many issues that plague the country in various sectors.... health, education, transport and other services.

"The startup ecosystem in Bangladesh has surely come a long way since we started our journey about 10 years back,"  says Minhaz Anwar, head of Grameenphone's Accelerator programme." The success stories of Pathao, Sheba.xyz and Chaldal are building confidence among investors and promoters and at the same time contributing to major mind-shift of the young people towards opting for jobs with startups offering home grown solutions as sustainable career paths."

While there are portions of the startup ecosystem that have managed to enter the fray and stay in the public eye, the innovation that comes from continued research and development (R&D) are still scant. The success of Pathao, Chaldal and Sheba.xyz are rooted in solving issues that have not been addressed by the government.... Pathao looks to reduce wait times on Dhaka roads by jump- starting the concept of motorbike ride-sharing, Chaldal wants to reduce the number of people crowding around the city hubs that are traditional bazars by having them order groceries online, and Sheba.xyz looks to formalize a blue collar service sector that has largely stayed under the radar of who can be considered human capital in the country. While these startups are doing well short-term, these are also a constant reminder of how little these issues were addressed by long-term R&D projects that can remove the need for private intervention.

It expresses the economic condition of Bangladesh.
It says about the private sector of Bangladesh.
It talks about the startup business in Bangladesh.
All of the above.